Tuesday, July 15, 2014

A better start to my week of freebies!!!!

I'm making up for lost time on my freebies!!!! in the past two days i have gotten a lot of really good samples and even a couple full size items.  One thing i got was a full bottle of realtree lotion it smells pretty good so i was really happy with that i also got a love with food box i bought with a gift card i won, one of the good things about the love with food box is that every time a box it bought they give a meal to a hungry child i was more than glad to buy that box!!!! i also received three small foil packs of nieva lotions they were not very big but i was still happy.  I got two different suave professional packets which was pretty full! that was a plus that they had a good bit in them!!!! I finally got my smiley 360 with the ladies preparation H wipes with coupons ten are mine to keep and 5 are to give to friends or family!! so like i said maybe not the best two days but after a week with nothing i was a very happy camper!!! and i am hopeful for the rest of the week i still have 4 mail days left so a lot could come....now here are some links for you guys to try to get freebies www.smiley360.com www.bzzagent.com www.facebook.com/freebieninja so head on over and see what goodies you guys can get:) Thanks for reading so until next time have fun on your hunt for freebies:)

Monday, July 14, 2014

https://s3.amazonaws.com/sml-images/misc_images/Snugglebear+new.png  <a href="http://snugglecommunity.socialmedialink.com/" target="_blank"><img src="https://s3.amazonaws.com/sml-images/misc_images/Snugglebear+new.png" alt="Bear Den" width="125" height="125" /></a>  join the snuggle den and get great offers and promotions!!!!! super fun and really easyhttp://h3.sml360.com/-/rfw   use my link to sign up.....above is my badge

Super Slow Week!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Hey, Everyone sorry for not having a post in a week or so it has just been a very slow week in the freebie world! which i guess will happen from time to time that still doesn't make it better lol however even though it was a slow week of getting mail i did manage to get one sample that came from Walmart it was a sample of Nexxus shampoo along with conditioner and serum for your hair it also came with a 5.00$ off coupon, In edition to that i was accepted into another bzz campaign for FishEye wine i'm pretty excited about that i cant wait to do my review on the wine also just in case you haven't checked out bzz agent yet head on over and start your profile www.bzzagent.com they offer a lot of really good campaigns so give them a look!!! also i just wanna thank each and everyone of you for sticking with me i'm truly trying to turn this into something so it means a lot that you all stop by and give me a read when you can, i hope you continue to journey with me hopefully soon i'll have more content for you guys! in the long run i hope to purchase my own blog so that i can add a lot more to the site!! keep a check in on my blog i'm gonna soon start trying to post live sample events that are going on so you can grab them up too!! comment and let me know if there is anything you would like to see or know about i'll be more than glad to try and help you out!!!!  the more readers i have the more companies i can get to offer samples just for THIS group!!!!! how cool would that be i'm already trying to work on that with a few popular companies right although i can't say the names just yet i'm pretty excited about that. So just hang with me everyone! i promise i'll try to  make it worth your while!!!! thanks again for stopping buy an reading this post~~

Tuesday, July 8, 2014

<iframe src="https://members.one2onenetwork.com/blogtracker/53b3354a2ac13b4e2796b500/aHR0cHM6Ly9hc2hsZXljaGFuZGxlcjg4Mi5ibG9nc3BvdC5jb20=/53441e1be89cc89d187cef35" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" width="250" height="250"></iframe>..........hello everyone i just wanted to take a minute to tell you about one2onenetwork its a website mostly for women to get full size products and review them and share to your social media so head on over and start your application NOTE: you will have to have a social media account the more the better!!! above is my badge i'm really a member and i do not receive any kind of compensation for referring you to this programwww.one2onenetwork.com

Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Bzz Agent campaign review "Be Crest" review!!!!!1

This is my review of the "Be Crest" toothpaste line that i got www.bzzagent.com. Ok so let me start telling you the flavors i received "Mint Chocolate" "Vanilla Mint" & "Lime Zest", Mint Chocolate has never been one of my favorite flavors i'm just not a fan of it at all but my husband loves it so the Mint Chocolate was his favorite from the kit that bzz agent sent me! and honestly its not as bad as i thought it would be! but still wasn't my favorite. Now the Vanilla Mint i have to say was my favorite it doesn't have a overwhelming vanilla taste and just enough mint to give you fresh breath it also has a very nice fresh taste that stays with you! Lime Zest is by far my least favorite flavor from the bzz kit, It is a flavor i probably would not purchase although i would purchase one of the other two flavors! i would recommend that you give the "Crest Be" a try but i will tell you its gonna be more of a preference kinda thing so if one of the flavors sound good to you go give it a try you may like it way better than i did! In the mean time please feel free to watch my review video :)  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FwQTypRZW40    please leave your comments and thought on the video!!! thank for reading my review and i hope it was helpful to you!!!! and thanks for watching my video i hope you enjoy it!!!!!!
These are the three  received!